05112022 First Round and Recurrent Engineer Inspections for Maintenance of Slopes in the New Territories, Hong Kong Island and Outlying Islands Maintained by Architectural Services Department (Package 26C)
05092022 Proposed Alteration and Addition Works for English Schools Foundation – Glenealy School at 7 Hornsey Road, Mid-levels, Hong Kong (Lot No. I.L. 8644)
C12 Contract Administration Services on New Engineering Contract (NEC) for Contract No. CV/2019/04 – Site Formation and Infrastructure Works near Tsz Tin Road and Hing Fu Street in Area 54, Tuen Mun
C5 At-grade Improvement Works on Harcourt Road/ Gloucester Road between Tim Mei Avenue and Fenwick Street and Jaffe Road between Tonnochy Road and Percival Street – Investigation